Raising the Flag on Mount Yo Momma — 33 of 87

Juhana Leinonen

Release 3

Chapter Zapping with

Zapping it with is an action applying to one thing and one carried thing.

Understand "zap [something] with [something]" as zapping it with.

Understand "attack [something] with [something]" as zapping it with.

Understand the commands "tase" and "taze" and "stun" as "zap".

Check zapping it with (this is the block zapping with rule):

say "You can't use [the second noun] for that." instead.

Does the player mean zapping something with a taser: it is likely.

Does the player mean zapping a person with something: it is likely.

Does the player mean zapping a person with a taser: it is very likely.

Table of analyzing actions (continued)

topictesting rule
"zapping with"test zapping with rule

This is the test zapping with rule:

if the player is not carrying the taser:

say "[italic type]Not carrying the taser; can't test zapping with[roman type]";


say test announcement for "zapping [the noun] with the taser";

try the test-actor trying zapping the noun with the taser.