
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Carry out babbling to the creature that:
    say "[one of][c]Sorry, what?' [the creature] says.[or][c]Yes, yes, run along now,' [the creature] says.[or]You're about to ask, but you're not sure how to word the question.[or][The creature] seems to have been distracted and missed your question.[or][c]Dunno about that,' [the creature] says.[or]That's not a relevant topic at the moment.[at random]";
    now the creature is spoken.

To meet HR:
    say "Before getting into detailed discussion, your first reaction is to tackle the surprising situation with the delicacy you have applied to most things in your life. 'What the [bowdler] is that[interrobang]' you yell and point at the creature. Much to your (additional) surprise, it replies. [c]Well, that's not what I would call a friendly greeting, monkey boy!'[paragraph break]You dare to go a bit closer. [c]H.R.[']s the name, and [key trading-business]trading[endkey trading-business] is my game!' It pats the sack it has next to it. 'I have everything a man of your standing would need, from kitchen utensils to trebuchets. Looks like I got your attention, little man - if you're interested, ask me for a [key Skindude multitool]free sample[endkey Skindude multitool]!'[paragraph break]It takes a while for the words to sink in. Not the least because the creature's voice combines hisses, clicks and high-pitched whirs which makes it quite hard to understand.";
    if the show keyword setup hint is true:
        say keyword setup hint;
    now the creature is present;
    now the printed name of the creature is "H.R.";
    now the creature is first name basis;
    now the creature is proper-named;
    now the player is by the window;
    stop the action.

Before discussing with the creature about when the creature is unnamed:
    meet HR;
    stop the action.
Before babbling to the creature that when the creature is unnamed:
    meet HR;
    stop the action.

Before discussing with the creature about when the tongue is numb:
    try babbling to the creature that "x"; [x could be anything really because the babbling action doesn't care about the topic.]
    stop the action.
Before babbling to the creature that when the tongue is numb:
    say "'Ha hoh? Hew mah howeh huh.'[paragraph break][c]Sorry, but I don't speak [one of]Idiot[or]Retard[or]Dimwit[at random],' [the creature] says.";
    stop the action.