
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Book Chatter

The last creature quip is a number that varies. The last creature quip is 0.
Every turn when the creature is present and the creature is not spoken and a random chance of 1 in 12 succeeds and turn count - the last creature quip > 2 (this is the creature chatter rule):
    if the skindude multitool is not handled and the player is not carrying the skindude multitool: [seems "handled" property is changed the very last (or possibly very first) in the turn, so the turn H.R. gives the multitool it's still "not handled", that's why the carrying requirement]
        say "[one of]'Like I said, just ask me for a free sample!' [the creature] reminds you.[or]'Are you really not interested in the free sample?' [the creature] wonders.[or]'A free sample is just waiting for you!' [the creature] advertises.[or][stopping]";
        say "[one of][The creature] digs a paper tissue from its bag and tries to wipe some spit from around its mouth. The tissue sizzles and melts away leaving just a faint trace of smoke.[or][The creature] yawns.[or][The creature] burps and covers its mouth with its hand. 'Sorry. Had Mexicans for lunch.'[or][The creature] scratches its head.[or][The creature] taps the floor with its foot.[at random]";
    change the last creature quip to the turn count.

Mexicans is a conversable thing. It is plural-named and proper-named. The creature response of the Mexicans is "[one of]'I've never been to Mexico.'[paragraph break]'Huhwhat?' [the creature] exclaims.[or]'I wonder what's it like in Mexico this time of year.'[paragraph break]'Would you stop going on and on about Mexico already?' [the creature] snaps.[stopping]".
Understand "mexico" and "mexican" as the Mexicans.

Every turn (this is the reset creature spoken flag rule):
    now the creature is silent.
The creature chatter rule is listed last in the every turn rules.
The reset creature spoken flag rule is listed last in the every turn rules.