Sparkle — 63 of 108

Juhana Leinonen

Release 3

Section 3 - Cantaloupe

The cantaloupe is a secondary thing. "The glove under the wardrobe has turned into a half a cantaloupe." The description is "It's half a cantaloupe."

Understand "half" and "canteloupe" and "cantaloup" and "cantalope" and "melon" and "fruit" and "food" as the cantaloupe.

Instead of changing the pinned glove into the familiar cantaloupe:

say "[We] concentrate and focus on changing the glove. There's more resistance than usual, but finally the glove gives in. A cantaloupe appears in its place and half of it is immediately squashed under the wardrobe.";

now the description of the cantaloupe is "The other half of the cantaloupe has been crushed by a wardrobe, after it had already been toppled. Deep.";

now the cantaloupe is in the Hotel lobby;

now the wardrobe is scenery.

Check eating the cantaloupe:

say "Better not eat it. It looks like it has gone bad." instead.

Instead of tasting the cantaloupe:

try eating the cantaloupe.

After smelling the cantaloupe:

say "It smells sweet and rancid at the same time."