Book 7 - Achievements
[The achievement system is provided by the extension Achievements by Juhana Leinonen. The Table of Achievements contains the achievement name, its description and a rule that determines the condition when the achievement should be awarded. The achievements that don't have a validation rule are awarded manually.]
Use persistent achievements. [1]
Table of Achievements
achievement | description | validation | awarded |
"Animal Rescue" | "Didn't leave the dog trapped in the dumbwaiter." | animal rescue achievement rule | false |
"Art Collector" | "Took a stone statue with you in the cable car, for no reason at all." | statue achievement rule | false |
"Clean Dog" | "Washed the dog." | clean dog achievement rule | false |
"Clown Dog" | "Put some lipstick on the dog." | clown dog achievement rule | false |
"First Guess" | "Figured out the answer to the Master's question on the first try." | -- | false |
"Full Belly" | "Fed the dog." | full belly achievement rule | false |
"Not a Drop" | "Changed the fish into a tornado without getting wet." | -- | false |
"Ride with a Friend" | "Took the dog with you in the cable car to the mountain top." | loyal friend achievement rule | false |
"Veterinarian" | "Cured the dog." | veterinarian achievement rule | false |
"Wet Dog" | "Managed to get the dog wet." | -- | false |
This is the animal rescue achievement rule:
if a statue is in the right dumbwaiter and the dog is not in the left dumbwaiter and the player can see the dog:
rule succeeds.
This is the statue achievement rule:
if a statue is in the cable car:
rule succeeds.
This is the clean dog achievement rule:
if the player can see the clean dog:
rule succeeds.
This is the clown dog achievement rule:
if the dog is lipsticked and the player can see the dog:
rule succeeds.
This is the full belly achievement rule:
if the dog is satisfied:
rule succeeds.
This is the loyal friend achievement rule:
if the dog is in the cable car and the cable car is in the Mountain top:
rule succeeds.
This is the veterinarian achievement rule:
if the dog is well:
rule succeeds.
[1]. An option in the Achievements extension; saves unlocked achievements to an external file and loads them when play begins.