
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter Hinges

The doorhinges is a thing. It is plural-named. It is part of celldoor. It is by the door and scenery. The printed name is "hinges". The description is "The hinges of the door are [if the doorhinges are bolted]bolted[otherwise]screwed[end if] into the wall.". They can be tightened or bolted. They are tightened.

Understand "screw/screws" as the doorhinges.
Understand "hinge/hinges/doorhinge" as the doorhinges.
Understand "door hinge/hinges" as the doorhinges.
Understand "bolt/bolts" as the doorhinges when the doorhinges are bolted.

Instead of taking the doorhinges:
    say "The hinges don't come off with bare hands.".

Instead of attacking the doorhinges:
    say "You pound the hinges with your fists. Nothing happens.".

Instead of pushing, pulling or turning the doorhinges:
    if the player is carrying the multitool:
        try unscrewing the doorhinges;
    otherwise if the player can see the multitool:
        say "(first taking [the multitool])[command clarification break]";
        silently try taking the multitool;
        try unscrewing the doorhinges;
        say "The hinges don't come off with bare hands.".

Instead of tasting the doorhinges:
    say "Unsurprisingly, licking the hinges does not make them come off.[if the creature is present][line break][c]Hey, [italic type]I'm[roman type] the one with [key acidic spit]acidic spit[endkey acidic spit],[c] [the creature] hollers.".

Instead of screwing the doorhinges:
    if the doorhinges are tightened:
        say "The screws are already screwed in all the way.";
        say "They changed the screws to bolts."
Check unscrewing the doorhinges:
    if the doorhinges are bolted:
        try screwing the doorhinges instead;
    if the player does not have the Skindude multitool:
        try turning the doorhinges instead.
Carry out unscrewing the doorhinges:
    say "You take the Skindude[tm] multitool and loosen the screws on the hinges.[paragraph break]After a good push the door falls open without its hinges. You run through it and turn left in the corridor - and end up in the arms of the guard. 'HOW THE... DID THE DOOR JUST FALL DOWN?' he shouts.[paragraph break]The guard grabs you and takes you to what's probably a break room. There are a dozen Screaming Communists sitting there, watching you suspiciously and shouting a word or two at times[if the player is naked]. Mostly what they say doesn't make much sense, but 'WHY IS HE NAKED' and 'THAT'S DISTURBING' seem to be common topics[end if].";
    pause the cutscene;
    say "[c]Congratulations on your [italic type]escape[roman type],' [the creature] mocks you when they return you to the cell. The door seems to be fixed now.
You wave the screwdriver victoriously. 'They didn't take this away! I'll just unscrew the hinges again!'

'Oh, by the way, they bolted the hinges while you were away. Sorry, what were you saying?'";
    mark the escape down as "unscrewing the hinges on the door";
    now the doorhinges are bolted;
    now the multitool is not useful;
    stop the action.

Test screws with "test c/a free/unscrew screws".