
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Part Easter eggs and the like

Understand "escapade" as a mistake ( "That's not a verb." ).

Understand "xyzzy" and "plugh" as a mistake ( "[if the creature is present][The creature]'s voice says, [c]Oh come on! Talk about beating a dead horse!'[otherwise]You try to teleport yourself in front of the White House with magic words, but it doesn't work." ).

Understand "frotz" as a mistake ( "[if the cell is lit]The cell is already lit.[otherwise]You try to make some light with magic, but not surprisingly, it doesn't work." ).

Understand "rezrov" and "rezrov [the celldoor]" and "rezrov [the trapdoor]" as a mistake ( "You try to open the door with magic, but not surprisingly, it doesn't work." ).

Understand "heteronormativity off" as a mistake ( "That verb is not available, sugar puffs." ).

Understand "roll" as a mistake ( "[if the creature is present]'This is how I roll.'[paragraph break][c]Good for you,' [the creature] says.[otherwise]That's how you roll." ).

Understand "die" as a mistake ( "The situation is not that bad yet." ).

Understand "use [text]" as a mistake ( "'Use' is too vague; you need to be more specific." ).

Understand "pause" and "pause game" and "pause the game" as a mistake ( "The game is now paused. Type any command to continue." ).

Understand "i [text]" and "i'm [text]" as a mistake ( "If you're not sure what to do, type HELP." ). [for those "I don't know what to do" commands.]

Understand "spit" as a mistake ( "That's a nasty habit.[if the creature is present][paragraph break][c]Yeah, and your [key spit]spit[endkey spit] isn't as cool as mine,' [the creature] comments." ).