
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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The Song of Eternity is a tune. It is not conversable. The creature response is "[c]It has a very catchy tune,[c] [the creature] says."

Carry out singing to the Song of Eternity:
    say "You don't know the lyrics nor the tune."

The Sea of Oblivion is a thing. It is not conversable. The creature response is "[c]Sorry but I've forgotten where it is,[c] [the creature] says."

The Nameless-One is a thing. It is not conversable. Understand "nameless" and "nameless one" as the Nameless-One. The creature response is "'Is The Nameless One so old and powerful you aren't allowed to pronounce his real name?' you ask.[paragraph break][c]Actually, I just can't remember it,[c] [the creature] confesses."