
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter Lever

The lever is a thing. It is part of the trebuchet. It is not conversable.

After pulling the lever:
    if the catapult-arm is free:
        say "You pull the lever but nothing happens.";
        say "[The trebuchet]'s arm snaps forward with tremendous force and stops abruptly at the highest peak.";
        if the dinner plate is part of the catapult-arm and the number of things on the dinner plate > 0:
            let x be a random thing on the dinner plate;
            if x is insubstantial:
                say "[The x] futters on the floor.";
                say "[The x] crashes on the opposite wall. Unfortunately it's not heavy enough to break through.";
            now x is in the cell;
        now the catapult-arm is free;
        if the creature is present:
            say "[line break][c]Whee,' [the creature] says.";