Sparkle — 48 of 108

Juhana Leinonen

Release 3

Section 1 - Diesel generator

The diesel generator is a dirty device in the Engine room. "[if switched on]The diesel generator is running loudly, turning the cableway.[otherwise]The diesel generator looks like it hasn't been used in quite some while." The diesel generator is fixed in place.

Understand "engine" and "cylinder" and "cylinders" and "machine" as the diesel generator.

Check switching on the dirty diesel generator:

say "The engine coughs a few times but refuses to start. [one of]A quick troubleshooting indicates that t[or]T[stopping]he cylinders are so dirty that the engine can't run. They need to be cleaned first." instead.

Check washing the clean diesel generator with:

say "It's quite clean already." instead.

Check washing the diesel generator with the gin:

say "The gin by itself wouldn't be enough to clean the cylinders. [We] need something to rub it clean with." instead.

Check washing the diesel generator with:

say "[The second noun] [aren't] suitable for cleaning the cylinders with." instead.

Check washing the dirty diesel generator with the dry sanitary napkin:

say "The sanitary napkin would be perfect for cleaning the cylinders, but the grit is too sturdily stuck. [We] need something to soften it first." instead.

Check washing the dirty diesel generator with the watered sanitary napkin:

say "The dirt is stuck to the parts too hard. [We] need something stronger than water to clean it." instead.

Check washing the clean diesel generator with the sanitary napkin:

say "[We] already did that. The generator looks fine." instead.

Instead of washing the diesel generator with the gin when the player is carrying the sanitary napkin:

say "[We] pour the gin on the cylinders and with the help of the sanitary napkin rub the moving parts clean. After spending some considerable amount of additional tinkering the generator starts to look like it could work again.";

remove the gin from play;

clean the generator.

Instead of watering the diesel generator with the gin:

say "(washing the diesel generator with the gin)[command clarification break]";

try washing the diesel generator with the gin.

Instead of washing the diesel generator with the alcohol-soaked sanitary napkin:

say "Cleaning the generator is hard work, but after a while the moving parts look clean enough. After spending some considerable amount of additional tinkering the generator starts to look like it could work again.";

clean the generator.

To clean the generator:

now the sanitary napkin is dirty;

now the sanitary napkin is dry;

now the diesel generator is clean.

Instead of listening to the generator when the diesel generator is switched on:

say "The generator is running with considerable noise."

After switching on the diesel generator:

say "The generator makes some suspicious noises but then comes to life. The cableway starts moving again."

After switching off the diesel generator:

say "The generator shuts down and the cableway stops."

Check repairing the dirty diesel generator:

say "It isn't as much broken as it is dirty." instead.

Check repairing the clean diesel generator when the diesel generator is switched off:

say "It should be working now, just need to switch it on." instead.

Check repairing the clean diesel generator when the diesel generator is switched on:

say "It's running, so it's obviously in no need of fixing." instead.