
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Part Settings

Understand "setting" or "settings" or "setup" or "options" as setting settings.
Setting settings is an action out of world.

Carry out setting settings:
    change the current menu to the Table of Keyword Settings;
    change the current menu title to "Settings";
    change the current intro text to "When the game prints a word that can be used as a discussion topic with other characters, it will be highlighted for the first time. Here's an example of a highlighted word using your current settings: [hint style start]keyword[hint style end][paragraph break]Select a new highlight style below and press Q to return. Note that not all interpreters support every highlighting style; choose the one that works for you."; [During the game some cutscenes may clear the screen. You can disable this behavior by changing the screen clearing to OFF."; ]
    follow the disable keyword setup hint rule;
    carry out the displaying activity;
    clear the screen;
    try looking.

Table of Keyword Settings
title   subtable   description   intro   toggle
"[bold type]bold[roman type] keywords"   a table-name   text   text   the change hint style rule
"[yellow letters]yellow[default letters] keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"[blue letters]blue[default letters] keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"[green letters]green[default letters] keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"[red letters]red[default letters] keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"-dashed- keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"/slashed/ keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"*starred* keywords"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
"no keyword highlighting"   --   --   --   the change hint style rule
""   --   --   --   --
"screen clearing: [screen clearing status]"   --   --   --   the toggle screen clearing rule

This is the change hint style rule:
    if the current menu selection is:
        -- 1:
            change the hint style start to "[bold type]";
            change the hint style end to "[roman type]";
        -- 2:
            change the hint style start to "[yellow letters]";
            change the hint style end to "[default letters]";
        -- 3:
            change the hint style start to "[blue letters]";
            change the hint style end to "[default letters]";
        -- 4:
            change the hint style start to "[green letters]";
            change the hint style end to "[default letters]";
        -- 5:
            change the hint style start to "[red letters]";
            change the hint style end to "[default letters]";
        -- 6:
            change the hint style start to "-";
            change the hint style end to "-";
        -- 7:
            change the hint style start to "/";
            change the hint style end to "/";
        -- 8:
            change the hint style start to "*";
            change the hint style end to "*";
        -- 9:
            change the hint style start to "";
            change the hint style end to "";
        -- otherwise:
            do nothing.

Show keyword setup hint is a truth state that varies. Show keyword setup hint is true.

To say keyword setup hint:
    say "[line break][italic type](You may converse with characters by typing TALK ABOUT <something>. Some of the possible topics you can talk about are [bold type]highlighted[roman type][italic type] in the text; if you don't see the highlights or you want to turn them off, type OPTIONS.)[roman type][line break]";
    follow the disable keyword setup hint rule.

This is the disable keyword setup hint rule:
    change show keyword setup hint to false;
    rule succeeds.

This is the toggle screen clearing rule:
    if screen clearing is true:
        change screen clearing to false;
        change screen clearing to true.
To say screen clearing status:
    if screen clearing is true:
        say "ON";
        say "OFF";