
An interactive fiction by Juhana Leinonen (2008) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter Rug -> Flux Capacitor

Before giving the rug to the creature:
    say "'Would you trade this with me?' you ask.[paragraph break][c]Hmm... It [italic type]is[roman type] a nice rug, in a way, but I've seen [italic type]much[roman type] nicer ones in my days. It doesn't even [italic type]fly[roman type],[c] [the creature] sneers. [c]But since you're my best customer in this cell at the moment, I'll get you something nice for it. [rummage through misc items][c][paragraph break]The creature pulls from its sack a large cube-like thingamabob, hands it to you and puts the rug away.";
    remove the rug from play;
    hand the flux capacitor to the player;
    stop the action.