Nitku's Interactive Fiction stuff

I've set up a new blog at The content from here will be gradually migrated to the new location.


Escapade! was an entry in the One room game competition 2008 where it placed 2nd out of 7. It was later nominated for three XYZZY awards.

Gardening for Beginners is a short comedic piece, made for the 2008 Spring Speed IF.

My Name is Jack Mills was an entry in the IFComp 2007. It placed 9th out of 27.


The IF Transcript Beautifier turns dull transcript files into easy to read HTML and tags playtester comments, unimplemented commands and more.

Not necessarily that useful tool but a fun distraction: IF Name Generator mashes two existing IF titles together.

Tools for Inform 7

For Inform 7 there's I7 Thing Creator that makes creating new fully implemented objects easy.

If you have a project where you don't need any or most of the standard library commands or you want to rewrite them completely, here's a piece of code that disables all standard library commands.


My reviews at IFDB.

IFComp 2008 reviews

IF source code collections

Since some people like to learn programming by looking at examples, here are links to games in IFDB I and others have tagged as having their source code released. Almost all tagged games have their source code downloadable from IFDB.

Modern development systems

Note: Some games tagged as Inform 6 or TADS 2 may in fact be coded with an earlier version of the system. Older Inform 7 code might not compile in the newest versions of Inform 7.

Generic programming languages

Historical and obscure development systems


And finally, something completely useless: Quine for Inform 7.